Local Business Grants
As South Yorkshire returns to Tier 3 restrictions, local businesses required to remain closed will continue to be eligible for local authority support:
In addition there are now two new local grants available from local authorities.
Doncaster Supply Chain Grant
More of South Yorkshire’s businesses are now eligible for financial support to get through the COVID pandemic, with a new phase of grants targeted at some of those not previously eligible for national funding.
As part of more than £30m of discretionary grants secured by Sheffield City Region following agreement with Government when the region entered the very high (tier 3) local alert level in October, South Yorkshire’s councils will be supporting thousands more businesses.
This round of grant support targets businesses that largely rely on the hospitality, accommodation, leisure and entertainment sectors for their trade on a business-to-business basis and have therefore suffered a significant loss of trade due to COVID restrictions.
There will be a three-week grant application window to manage the process of distributing this support and businesses should check Business Doncaster or Doncaster Council’s website to confirm eligibility and apply for support. Please note: this scheme will close for applications at 5pm on 16 December 2020.
Many businesses have been severely impacted, such as travel agents impacted by international restrictions, caterers unable to service events and celebrations or those providing and maintaining gym equipment who have seen a drop in trade due to leisure centre closures.
To be eligible, businesses must provide evidence to show that they:
• Have fixed property costs, either through rateable or rental value.
• Are located in South Yorkshire and part of the region’s supply chain
• Were open and trading on 13th October
• Have experienced significant loss of trade due to COVID restrictions, with at least 50% of their trade with the hospitality, accommodation, leisure and entertainment sectors
• Have not benefitted from other local or national support grants
• Are not a national company
These grants are one-off, discretionary payments and businesses should check the website to confirm their eligibility.
For further information and to apply please visit: Doncaster Council Business Grants page here
CLOSING DATE: 16 December 2020 at 5pm
SME Restart & Recovery Business Grants for the Sheffield City Region
SMEs in the Sheffield City Region can now access funding as part of a grant scheme designed to help adapt and diversify their business models to meet the challenges they may be facing following the impact of the pandemic.
The grant will be delivered by Barnsley Council on behalf of the SCR Growth Hub and South Yorkshire Local Authority Partners (Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield Councils).
Information for the SME Restart & Recovery and Kickstarting Tourism Package is on Barnsley Council’s website here
The aim of this grant programme is to provide support to both businesses within the visitor economy and wider economy, perhaps to fund the purchase of new technology and other equipment necessary to continue to deliver business activity or diversify, as well as professional, legal, financial or other advice. Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), eligible SMEs can access 100% grants of between £1,000 and £3,000.
To be eligible for the SME Restart and Recovery Grants, businesses must be an SME based in either Doncaster, Barnsley, Rotherham and Sheffield, have been negatively impacted by Covid-19, have less than 250 employees and a turnover less than £50 million.
Businesses who are looking for support are encouraged to access and download the information in readiness of the application date: Wednesday 2 December.
For further information, please visit: Barnsley Council’s website or email: SCRBusinessSupportGrants@barnsley.gov.uk